1. 初赛时间:2011年6月30日 时间:9:00-11:30(am);2:00-5:00(pm)
决赛时间:2011年7月5日 时间:7:00-8:30(pm)
2. 比赛地点:中财大厦三层案例2(初赛现场)、二层通3(初赛准备)
(1)如何定位中国跨国企业在世界市场的品牌战略,并对Business to Bsuienss与Business to Consumer的优缺点进行辩论。Position the branding strategy of Chinese Multinational Companies in the global market, and find out if Business to Business or Business to Consumer Strategy can be a better option.
(2)对跨国企业在构建海外营销网络的过程中采用批发模式(Wholesale)和零售模式(Retail)的优缺点进行辩论。Trade-off between wholesale and retail for multinational companies to develop the foreign sales market.
(3)如何看待中国产品在世界市场的原产地效应(Country of Origin Effect), 并对多元文化下的强本国意识品牌战略(Strong Nationalism)和强本地化品牌战略(Strong Localization)的优缺点进行辩论。Look through the country of origin effect for Chinese products in global market, and make decisions between strong nationalism and strong localization branding strategies.
(4)对于变革型领导(Transformational Leadership)与约定型领导(Transactional Leadership)在多元文化的跨国企业中的优缺点进行辩论,并结合Hofstede模型对企业跨国公司多元文化进行分析。Identify the better option between transformational leadership and transactional leadership for cross-cultural multinational companies, and take Hofstede's model for an analysisa.
(5)对于中国企业在加强国内市场竞争与扩大国际市场投入之间的权衡进行辩论,并从企业自身资源角度(Resource-based View)和外部产业环境角度(Industry-based View),结合产品生命周期理论(Product Life Cycle)及交易成本理论(Transaction Cost Theory)进行分析。Either enhance the competition in domestic market or enlarge the investment in global market, which is a better way for Chinese companies? Analyze through resource-based view, industry-based view, and take consideration of product life cycle theory and transaction cost theory.