
屠新泉 教授
主 讲 人 :屠新泉 教授
主 持 人 :张晓涛 教授
屠新泉,现任对外经济贸易大学中国WTO研究院院长、教授、博士生导师、世界贸易组织教席项目主持人、北京市第十三届政协委员,并担任中国WTO研究会、中国法学会WTO法研究会、北京党外高级知识分子联谊会常务理事、全国政协中国经济社会理事会理事、全球经贸治理研究网络秘书长。1996年获北京大学学士,2001年、2004年获对外经济贸易大学国际贸易专业硕士和博士学位。主要研究领域为WTO、中美经贸关系、中国外贸政策。曾先后在美国Johns Hopkins University、WTO秘书处、韩国对外经济政策研究院(KIEP)、美国Indiana University、德国国际问题研究院、美国明德国际研究院做访问学者。主持国家社科基金重大、重点项目、教育部基地重大项目等多项,承担商务部、财政部等部门的委托课题60多项,多篇咨询报告获得中央领导肯定性批示,在权威核心期刊发表论文50多篇。多次接受新华社、中央电视台、中央人民广播电台、路透社、彭博社等著名媒体采访。
TU Xinquan is Dean and Professor and WTO Chair Holder at the China Institute for WTO Studies of the University of International Business and Economics located in Beijing, China. He got his Ph.D. in international trade from this university in 2004. He had been a visiting scholar at Johns Hopkins University(2006), Korea Institute for International Economic Policy(2009), WTO Secretariat(2011), German Institute of International and Security Affairs(2014), Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey(2016). His research and teaching focus on Chinese trade policy, WTO, US trade policy, and US-China trade relations. He is a member of Friends of Multilateralism Group, Asia WTO Research Network, Trade and Investment Research Network and General-Secretary of NITIS.
He authored China’s position, role and strategy in the WTO (published by The Press of UIBE, 2005), The forty years of China's reform and opening up and China's integration into world trading system(published by The People's Press, 2019)and published a number of papers and chapters in books. He has been granted a number of research projects by the China Social Science Foundation, the Ministries of Commerce, Education, Finance etc. He was also interviewed by CCTV, Phoenix TV, Bloomberg, Reuters, Xinhua News Agency, and other major media on hot issues about China’s trade and economic situation and China’s international economic relations.