题 目:Neighboring Capital Imports and Non-Importer Productivity: Evidence from Geocoded Manufacturing Firms in China

主讲人:张喆 博士
时 间:2023年6月19日(周一)16:00-18:00
地 点:沙河校区二教108
主 办:EMC易倍官方网站
摘要:Despite the considerable productivity gains from direct importing, a majority of firms in many developing countries remain non-importers. This study examines the spillover effects of neighboring firms' imports on the productivity of non-importers. Analyzing geocoded manufacturing firms in China, we find that capital goods imports by neighboring firms within 10 km positively impact non-importer productivity, while intermediates imports show no clear spillover. These results hold when using tariff changes or imports from distant firms as instruments. Spillovers of capital imports mainly come from neighbors in the upstream and downstream industries and those with a relatively large proportion of high-skill workers, indicating potential supply chains and human capital externalities. Learning effects from neighboring imported products are not significant. Quantitatively, neighboring capital imports raised non-importers' average productivity by 0.99% from 2000 to 2006, surpassing gains from their own R&D participation by more than sixfold. Overall, our findings demonstrate substantial societal benefits of capital imports for non-importers connected spatially.